Saturday, September 7, 2024

SAKSBLR_Ganeshapooja_GBM_Election-Notice 2024





Reg.No. S922/53-54 Estd.1953




Somavamsha Arya Kshatriya Samaj (R), Bangalore

K.No. 154/1, 2nd Cross, Opp. Sunshine School, Kalkere Main Road, Bangalore – 43,




Notice dt.20.08.2024

For Election of New Office Bearers & Executive Committee to be held on 15.09.2024




71st Annual General Body Meeting Invitation





Sunday, 11:30 a.m.

Venue: SAKSBLR Bhavan,

K.No. 154/1, 2nd Cross, Opp. Sunshine School,

Kalkere Main Road,

Bangalore – 560 043





Smt./Sri .................................................

















Thanksgiving message from Present Executive Committee:


Dear Samaj Member,


We thank you for your patronage for which we are grateful to you forever.


Your faith and confidence posed on the current Committee Members helped us in taking the Samaj development activities to the higher level of excellence.  Hope we lived / demonstrated with your expectations. Without your participation / involvement, we could have not achieved the below milestones during our tenure.


From your nearest & dearest EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS


SAKSBLR Executive Committee Milestone chart for period 2021-22, 2022-23 & 2023-24


v  68th Annual General Body Meeting successfully held on 07.11.2021 and new committee was formed.

v  Successfully conducted annual Ganesh festivals and general body meetings.

v  Continued the SAKSLBR BHAVAN 2nd floor construction which was half done by the previous committee. It was in very bad and deteriorating condition. The 2nd floor quality of work was extremely poor and inferior one.  We hired certified chartered engineer and conducted building stability analysis by spending around Rs.85,000/-.  We consulted our samaj civil engineer Mr.Nagabhushan time to time.

v  Basis the recommendation of building stability analysis report for strengthening the 1st floor & 2nd floor roofs by erecting MS I-sections beams 03 nos, we spent around Rs.3.0 Lakhs.

v  Construction work commenced for 2nd floor half portion and decided to go for 3rd floor construction totaling 3000 Sqft. Construction work given to mason Mr.Mani introduced by Mr.Dilipkumar Bhandwalkar, at a very economical cost to cost basis which saved us to an extent 30% in total construction cost.  Estimate#1 35.0 Lakhs. Whereas Mani’s quote settled for Rs.24.50 Lakhs. Mr.Dilipkumar Bhandwalkar’s contribution towards SAKSBLR Bhavan construction work is immense and commendable.

v  With a short span of time (7 months), achieved one big milestone by completing RCC on 3rd floor.

v  Big task was on our hand to recover the old dues (2020 & 2021) from Ground & First floor tenant.  Successfully, recovered the outstanding Rent amount to an extent of Rs.204,000/-. and Rental agreement regularized.

v  We introduced a new practice of Committee Members to donate minimum Rs.5,000 each and some more, upto 1.00 Lakh towards SAKSBLR building fund.  This practice shall be in place as an when a new committee is formed in the executive body of the SAKSBLR each new member must contribute Minimum Rs.5000 for SAKSBLR building fund.

v  Further Committee Members as group contributed Rs.50,000 towards Education fund transferred from proceeds of Chit no.1.

v  Committee members + additional samaj member together as a group contributed Rs.100,000 towards Education fund transferred from the proceeds of Chit no.2.

v  02 Chit funds conducted smoothly and successful (Rs.2500 & Rs.5000).

v  Newly built 3rd floor half portion 750 Sqft room was rented out for Rs.22,500/- every month effective June/2024 with 2.0 Lacs caution deposit amount.

v  Ground Floor & First floor rents revised time to time and presently, GF & FF Rent is Rs.56,500/- every month. 

v  Thus, proud to inform you all that today SAKSBLR monthly rental income is totaling to Rs.79,000/- every month.

v  Bescom meters in Ground floor was reorganized and relocated in different location. With this we generated additional floor space 4x12 size which can be rented out and earn rental income.

v  Addressed the grievances received from separated couples and helped them to reconcile to join.

v  Participated in the initiative organized by KKO, show our Kshatriya community unity and strength.

v  Financial assistance provided for medical emergency cases of our ailing samaj member.

v  Awarded Scholarships for SSLC & PUC students.

v  Sponsored college admission fees for deserving students.

v  Attended state body meetings and participated in every initiative of state body.

v  SAKSBLR directory compilation work commenced under the guidance of SAK state body, and work is in progress.

v  Successful in collecting Life membership, Building Construction/Donation Fund and Sponsorship for SAKSBLR BHAVAN (Details furnished below).


v  Another big achievement is that our SAK trust Trustees visited our samaj building and witnessing the fast-track developments of SAKSBLR, decided to handover SAK trust to SAKSBLR.   SAK Vidhya Bharati Educational Trust, Trustees handed over all the records/documents of the trust vide their letter date 12.11.2023.  With this SAK Samaj Bangalore, Executive Body will take over and shall administer the SAK Vidhya Bharati Educational Trust activities and its property will be under the custody of SAK samaj Bangalore.   


v  Successfully collected SPONSORSHIP from:

o   Mr.Sunil C Bhandwalkar who volunteered to sponsor the 2nd floor & 3rd floor both inside & outside painting work and also railing painting works at overall 50% cost basis on the painting budget amount which saved us 50% in the total painting budget (painting budget was Rs.3.60 Lakhs).

o   Mr.Praveen K Darshankar, Prop.Mantra Tiles, who volunteered to Sponsor floor tiles and bathroom/toilet tiles for 2nd floor (Rs.72,000) & 3rd floor (Rs.65,000/-)  

o   Mr.Dilipkumar Bhandwalkar once again came forward and announced sponsorship for staircase work sadarahalli stone worth Rs.50,000/-. 

o   Their support during crucial stage of construction works is magnanimous and exceptional.


v  With the support of Mr.Bhupati, Prop. Leon Construction successfully commissioned BESCOM meters for 2nd & 3rd floor (5KW).  As well as with his support and liasoning completed new Electrical cable laying work, Panel board fixture, Earthing work, Electrical fittings-fixtures, Plumbing & Fabrication works on cost-to-cost basis thereby saving overall 15% price reduction for SAKSBLR.


v  Important note and big achievement by the Present Committee Members that when we took the Samaj from previous committee in 11/2021, the SAKSBLR bank balance was appx. 12.00 Lakhs.  Our first mission during taking over was to undertake the incomplete building construction works and generate maximum revenue from the SAKSBLR bhavan.   Now, with the blessing of God Nimishamba Devi, all our samaj members, well-wishers and with the dedication of present executive committee members, SAKSBLR made it possible to earn Rs.12.00 Lakhs income per annum from SAKSBLR Bhavan (once the 2nd floor is rented out shortly).


This all was possible because of your active participation, involvement, and contribution in every single step of our journey.



a. Renewal of SAKSBLR registration - under progress

b. To let out our building, 2nd and 3rd floor.

c. New SAKSBLR Samaj directory.

d. Legalize SAK Vidhya Bharati Trust with SAKSBLR.

e. Approach State Government for financial assistance and CA site/land.


Once again big thank you for helping SAKSBLR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to serve your better


🙏Jai Nimishamba Devi🙏







 K.No. 154/1, Opp. Sunshine School, 2nd Cross, Kalkere Main Road, Horamavu, Bangalore - 43



Somavamsha Arya Kshatriya Samaj (R), Bangalore

K.No. 154/1, 2nd Cross, Opp. Sunshine School, Kalkere Main Road, Bangalore – 43

Nominations for Election to the Committee of Administration of Somavamsha Arya Kshatriya Samaj ®,

Bangalore for the term 2024-27


Dear Sir/ Madam,

As you are aware that the present committee term will come to end on 06.11.2024, in accordance with the provisions of by-laws of samaj, it is hereby notified that the Election to the SAK Samaj Bangalore Committee will be held on 15.09.2024 as per the following Schedule:


Last date for receipt of Nominations:                                      10-09-2024

Scrutiny & Finalization of eligible contestants:                       11-09-2024

Last date for withdrawal of Nominations:                                13-09-2024

Conduct of Election by Ballot Papers/ Raise of Hands             15-09-2024

Counting of votes and declaration of results                          15-09-2024



a)     Members who are interested to contest the election may send their Nomination Form in the

enclosed form.


b)     The Nomination form must be sent in sealed cover duly subscribing on the top of the cover




Sri. Sanjeev Gadekar   : 99031 80866   

Sri Srinivas M Hamse  : 94486 20049


Please reach out to Convener for any doubts or clarifications above mentioned number


Note: Election notice and application for nomination is circulated in PDF form through WhatsApp

Interested members can fill the nominations and submit to Convener by physically or by Registered Post / courier or through WhatsApp in PDF format as to reach the same to the Convener on or before Sunday, the 10-09-2024 by 1730 Hours.


d)     Nomination received after the due date and time shall not be considered.


e)     Those nominations which are not in accordance with this notice/specimen nomination form

shall be treated as invalid.


f)      Withdrawal in the prescribed form must be received at the Convener’s Office

on or before 13-09-2024 before 17.30 Hour.



Thanking you

Yours faithfully






1.     Sanjeev Gadekar                           2.  Srinivas M Hamse



Right to vote: Only an ordinary member who have paid subscription/life membership up to date,

shall have the right to vote at or to offer self as a candidate at elections to various positions in

the committee. There should be no arrears of subscription or other dues or charges payable by

them to samaj.




1. Only Ordinary Members who are not in membership subscription arrears shall be eligible to vote

at the elections. The last date for receiving the subscription shall be 10.09.2024.

2. An eligible member shall be entitled to contest only from one category of his choice and shall submit

his nomination for election accordingly.

3. The nomination shall be invited in the form as per Annexure I duly proposed (witness # 01) and

seconded (witness # 02) by Ordinary members who are eligible to vote. Witnesses should be

fully subscribed person towards subscription/life membership.

4. Application fees for filling Nomination form shall be Rs.500/- payable by cheque in favor of Samaj.

5. The Convener reserves the right to check the fulfillment of requirements of an eligible candidate.

6. The Convener shall within a maximum of three working days after the last date for receipt

of nominations, scrutinize and declare the eligible candidates for contest. The decisions taken by the

Convener with respect to declaring the validity of nominations shall be final.

7. Candidates may withdraw from the elections by writing a letter to the Convener, in the format as

per Annexure II.

8. Elections shall be held for those vacancies where the nominations are in excess of the vacancies in

each category.

9. The elections shall be held by Raise of hands.

10. Each Member shall cast his vote as per number of vacancies in each category.

11. Members shall cast their vote by Raise of hands.

12. The Convener shall prepare the list of eligible Ordinary Members by 11.09.2024.

13. The Convener shall intimate the candidates about the date and time fixed for counting the votes.

The candidates shall have the right to be present at the counting of votes.

14. The decision of the Convener in matters pertaining to counting shall be final and binding.

15. The results shall be recorded under the signature of the Convener. The results shall also include

candidates elected unopposed. A copy of the results thus declared shall be sent to each candidate duly

certified by the Convener.

16. In case of tie(s), winning candidates shall be decided on the basis of lots in the presence of


17. All Election records shall be immediately sealed and kept at the Head Office of the Convener for a period of three months after which the same shall be destroyed.

18. The new Committee shall be announced.

















K.No. 154/1, Opp. Sunshine School, 2nd Cross, Kalkere Main Road, Horamavu, Bangalore – 43








The Convener





Respected Sir,

Sub: Elections to the Executive Committee of Administration for the Year 2024-27





I propose Sri./Smt............................................................................ as a candidate for the

post of Executive committee member for the Year 2024-27.


Name & Address of the Person Proposed                                   (Signature)






I second the nomination of Sri./Smt............................................................................ for

post of ......................................... for the Year 2024-27.


Name & Address of the Person Proposed                                   (Signature)






I, ........................................................(name) residing .....................................................

................................................................... .......................................................................

hereby convey my consent for the above proposal.






Received the nomination .................................................................... at .................... a.m./p.m



Signature of receiving official




Stamp of the Convener



The Proposer and Seconded should be Ordinary member who is eligible to vote.

Xerox Forms sent earlier also considered.

Please circulate the information to those members who are not registered/New Members also.












The Convener

C/o. SAK Samaj, Bangalore



Dear Sir,


I request that my nomination to contest as a member of SAK Committee for the year 2024-2027 may be treated as withdrawn.





Thanking you




Yours faithfully,


Name of the Candidate (Member):



Note: Regret for errors or omissions, if any.  Contact committee members for corrections of the same.